HR manager / payroll —

Simplify Payroll Process and Monitor Attendance

Learn how to use TrackingTime to manage payroll in a simple and effective way, and monitor your employees’ attendance.

about your business —

Define How Your Team Is Structured
to Use TrackingTime Correctly

TrackingTime simplifies your company’s payroll process regardless of
your team’s hiring method.

    We hire freelancers

    We outsource services to freelancers whom we contract at a predetermined rate.


    • Organize the tasks of the various freelancers
    • Assign a differentiated rate to each freelancer
    • Get accurate time reports of each freelancer to pay them accordingly
    Go to my report

    Employees on contract

    The employees are permanently hired and receive a fixed monthly salary.


    • Set time tracking goals for each employee
    • Monitor the fullfilment of everyone’s tracking goals in real timet
    • Monitor attendance and manage time-off and overtime
    Go to my report
    time tracking —

    Define Rules for Tracking
    and Reporting

    Clearly specify how they should report their hours to simplify the payroll

    • The information as you need it

      Define and communicate how you expect your team to report their hours in order to process their compensation payment accurately.

    • Most suitable tracking method

      Recommend to your team to track using the desktop or mobile apps according to their convenience, and encourage the use of the extension to integrate with other apps.

    • Help them develop the habit

      Use Pace to monitor your team’s time logging during the first weeks to ensure they are doing it as expected.

    • Month-end close

      Define and communicate when you’ll conduct the audit and month-end closure so that your team is aware of the period in which they should submit hours to be paid.


    Stay organized so you can track, audit, report, and bill all your work hours.

    Medium Team (+10)

    Define a responsible that makes sure users track their hours as expected.

    Big Team (+50)

    A responsible for each team, project, or client contributes to accurate time reports.

    Attendance Tracking —

    Streamline Time Off

    Track employee attendance without disrupting workflows and gain real-
    time insights for transparent and efficient attendance management.

    Streamline Time Off Management


    Prevent situations where multiple employees are out simultaneously, ensuring smooth team operations.

    Better Planing

    Gain workforce trends insights to optimize resource planning and maintain productivity levels.

    Centralized solution

    An automated system records leave requests, notifies admins, and offers a clear overview of team availability.

    time reports —

    Report Hours to Your Clients and
    Mark them as Billed

    Report your working hours according to your needs and the requirements of each client.

    • Filter the

      Filter billable hours for the desired period by project, task, user, or client,and group them according to your needs.

    • Export and share your report

      Export your report in the desired format, or generate a customized report to share online.

    • Mark billed hours

      Once reported, the hours will be marked as billed so that you can keep a better control.

    solutions —

    Recommendations to Achieve
    the Results You Expect

    Find practical solutions to implement TrackingTime according to the
    specific needs of your business.

    timesheet app
    time tracking guides —

    Share the Guides for a Successful

    Guide for Employees


    Guide for Employees

    • Sync your calendar
    • Install the extension
    • Turn on AutoTrack
    • Set notifications
    Guide for Employers


    Guide for Employers

    • Keep it simple
    • Set expectations
    • Work with estimates
    • Monitor progress
    setup checklist -

    Manage Payroll with Your
    Team’s Time Reports

    Organize hour tracking

    • Set work schedules
    • Turn on and recommend reminders
    • Set expectations with estimates

    Monitor time records

    • Define tracking policies
    • Identify missing hours with Pace
    • Audit time-off and extra-time

    Manage payroll

    • Audit time cards
    • Report tracked hours
    • Manage employee payments

    Ensure a complete setup

    Sync your calendar
    Install the extension
    Activate AutoTrack