Leverage Tracking Policies to Get Accurate Time Reports

Having precise time reports can make all the difference in optimizing workflows, managing resources efficiently, and ensuring fair compensation for employees. Let’s dive into the importance of setting tracking policies and how they contribute to achieving accurate time reports.

User Permissions and Restrictions

One of the fundamental aspects of setting up tracking policies is defining user permissions within your time tracking system. Admins hold the key to configuring these permissions, which play a vital role in maintaining data integrity and preventing discrepancies.

By restricting permissions for individual profiles, admins can minimize the risk of duplicate tasks or projects being created, ensuring a streamlined workflow.

Moreover, admins have the flexibility to assign or remove users at their discretion, either individually or in bulk. This level of control not only simplifies user management but also allows for special monitoring of certain users, ensuring compliance with organizational policies and legal regulations.

Enforcing Tracking Policies for Compliance

Policies serve as the backbone of accurate time tracking practices. They not only streamline processes but also enforce compliance with internal regulations and external legal requirements. For instance, by mandating specific notes for each time log or requiring tasks to be associated with recorded hours, organizations can ensure that time entries are meaningful and reflect actual work activities.

Additionally, setting limits on time log editing and defining time ranges for logging hours are essential measures to prevent errors and misuse. By granting temporary permissions as needed and establishing clear boundaries, organizations can uphold data accuracy and uphold legal compliance standards.

Setting Clear Expectations for Effective Time Tracking

Beyond regulatory compliance, tracking policies also play a crucial role in setting clear expectations for employees. By communicating tracking requirements and guidelines effectively, organizations empower their workforce to track their work hours with confidence and accuracy.

This fosters a culture of transparency and accountability, where employees understand the importance of accurate time reporting in driving business success.

Provide Purpose to Your Team

Explain to your team the purpose behind implementing the tool and support the decision by highlighting the benefits for both them and the company.

Promote a Positive Work Culture

Tracking policies promote transparency and individual autonomy, ensureing better task distribution and improving team collaboration.

Enhance Efficiency and Increase Productivity

Tracking policies ensure precise data to identify inefficient processes, implement improvement actions, and obtain accurate estimates for upcoming projects.

Policies Implementation Cheat Sheet

User Roles and Applications Policies

Tailor Policies to Specific User Roles

In managing user roles within your system, you have the flexibility to specify which policies should apply to different user roles. You can choose from various options to ensure that policies are appropriately tailored to the responsibilities and access levels of your team members:

  • Apply to admins, project managers, and co-workers
  • Apply to project managers and co-workers
  • Apply to co-workers

Require Team Members to Install the Browser Extension

Making sure all team members have the browser extension installed to track time from apps like Asana, Trello, Basecamp, Monday, and others is important. Requiring this installation can make time tracking easier across different platforms, making it simpler and more accurate to track work hours and tasks.

Projects, Tasks, and Time Entries Policies

Require to Assign a Customer to Projects

Projects must always be associated with a customer if this policy is enabled. This requirement applies consistently when adding or editing projects and recording time entries.

Require to Assign a Project to Tasks

When enabled, it becomes mandatory for tasks to be linked with an existing project. This policy applies whether you’re adding new tasks or editing existing ones, as well as when logging time entries.

Require to Assign a Task to Time Entries

When enabled, time entries must be linked to an existing task. This policy remains consistent whether you’re adding a new time entry or editing an existing one, ensuring that every recorded hour is assigned to a specific task, maintaining accuracy and accountability within the system.

Require to Add Notes to Time Entries

This policy mandates that all time entries include a note. This requirement applies both when you’re adding a new time entry and when you’re editing an existing one.

Time Tracking Policies

Avoid Tracking Overtime

This policy ensures that the estimated time allocated to a project or task cannot be exceeded. This is enforced both when initially adding or updating time entries and when tracking time in real-time using the timer function. It serves as a safeguard to ensure that project timelines are respected and resources are managed efficiently.

Tracking Days Threshold in the Past

Define a time frame, spanning from 1 to 30 days, within which users retain the capability to manually insert or modify time entries from the past. Alongside this, there’s the functionality to lock time entries, granting further control over data integrity and ensuring adherence to specific reporting periods or policies.

Tracking Days Threshold in the Future

Define a specific time frame, ranging from 1 day to 1 year, within which users retain the capability to manually input or modify time entries for the future. This policy allows for tailored control over time management. Moreover, there is the added functionality to lock time entries, providing an extra layer of security and stability to your records.

Temporary Edit Access

If there’s a situation where a member of your team requires the ability to edit past time entries, you have the option to grant them temporary access for a period of two weeks. This allows them to make the necessary adjustments. However, it’s important to note that you retain the ability to revoke their edit access at any point in time, providing you with control and flexibility over the editing permissions.

Timer Policies

To ensure that team members don’t inadvertently leave their timers running without activity, you have the option to set up automatic stoppage based on specific criteria:

Idle Timer Auto-Stop

This allows you to automatically stop timers that have been inactive for a designated period, typically denoted as “x” hours. Once enabled, idle timers will be automatically halted to prevent unnecessary consumption of resources.

Clock-Out Timer Auto-Stop

Timers can be programmed to automatically cease activity a certain number of minutes after a user clocks out. This ensures that timers are not left running indefinitely after the user has completed their work session, promoting efficient time management and resource allocation.

Time Reports as You Expect

Tracking policies are essential for achieving accurate and relevant time reports for your business. By defining user permissions and restrictions, enforcing tracking policies for compliance, and establishing clear expectations, organizations can cultivate good time tracking habits that yield reliable insights and drive productivity.

Ensure Accurate Time Reporting

Check out our Guide for Employers to enable your team to adopt time tracking according to the specific requirements for their role or the task or project they work on, and get valuable performance insights to streamline productivity and efficiency.

— time tracking guide for employers