finances / client billing —

Set up the Best Client Billing System for Your Company

Learn how to use TrackingTime to setup a client billing system that can adapt to the way your company works and to the unique characteristics of each client.

about your business —

Define How Your Company’s Billing Process Works
to Use TrackingTime Correctly

TrackingTime’s projects can adapt to organize your data according to the way you bill your work.

    We bill per project

    We work on a project basis, use estimates for budgeting, report progress, and invoice at the end of each project.


    • Generate accurate estimates
    • Define milestones
    • Report and invoice the total for the project
    Go to my report

    We bill per period

    We provide services, report tasks, and invoice various clients a pre-agreed fee for the corresponding period.


    • Organize tasks by client
    • Assign a rate to each period
    • Report and invoice the hours for each period
    Go to my report

    We bill work hours

    We hire external professionals to sell services to different clients. We invoice outsourced services, reporting and invoicing the hours of each professional.


    • Work with one project per client
    • Distribute tasks among your team
    • Report and invoice hours by user
    Go to my report
    time tracking —

    Set Tracking and Reporting

    Provide your team with clarity to implement time tracking and reporting in
    a simple manner for successful adoption.

    • The information as you need it

      Define and communicate to your team what information you expect to receive in order to align the hours they record with what you need to report to your clients.

    • Most suitable tracking method

      Recommend to your team to track using the desktop or mobile apps according to their convenience, and encourage the use of the extension to integrate with other apps.

    • Help them develop the habit

      Use Pace to monitor your team’s time logging during the first weeks to ensure they are doing it as expected.

    • Month-end close

      Define and communicate when you’ll conduct the month-end audit and closure, so your team is aware of the period within which they should submit hours to be invoiced.


    Stay organized so you can track, audit, report, and bill all your work hours.

    Medium Team (+10)

    Define a responsible that makes sure users track their hours as expected.

    Big Team (+50)

    A responsible for each team, project, or client contributes to accurate time reports.

    time reports —

    Report Hours to Your Clients and
    Mark them as Billed

    Report your working hours according to your needs and the requirements of each client.

    • Filter the

      Filter billable hours for the desired period by project, task, user, or client,and group them according to your needs.

    • Export and share your report

      Export your report in the desired format, or generate a customized report to share online.

    • Mark billed hours

      Once reported, the hours will be marked as billed so that you can keep a better control.

    solutions —

    Recommendations to Achieve
    the Results You Expect

    Find practical solutions to implement TrackingTime according to the
    specific needs of your business.

    time tracking guides —

    Share the Guides for a Successful

    Guide for Employees


    Guide for Employees

    • Sync your calendar
    • Install the extension
    • Turn on AutoTrack
    • Set notifications
    Guide for Employers


    Guide for Employers

    • Keep it simple
    • Set expectations
    • Work with estimates
    • Monitor progress
    setup checklist -

    Report and Bill Your
    Team’s Work

    Organize hour tracking

    • Set work schedules
    • Turn on and recommend reminders
    • Set expectations with estimates

    Monitor time records

    • Define tracking policies
    • Identify missing hours with Pace
    • Audit the quality of time logs

    Report and bill

    • Set rates and costs
    • Audit billable hours
    • Report, export, and bill

    Ensure a complete setup

    Sync your calendar
    Install the extension
    Activate AutoTrack