freelancer / client billing —

All-in-One Solution for Your Freelance Business

Unlock the full potential of your independent business with TrackingTime a comprehensive solution for time tracking, project management, and invoicing.

about your business —

Specify How you Sell your Services
to Use TrackingTime Correctly

TrackingTime offers an all-in-one solution for managing your clients,
tracking hours, monitoring projects, and invoicing your work.

    I’m hired on a project basis

    Different clients hire me to complete specific projects, and I invoice them once each project is completed.


    • Organize the work for different clients
    • Provide updates on milestones and overall progress for each project
    • Invoice each client for projects with the corresponding rates
    Go to my report

    I provide services

    I provide services to various clients for a specific number of hours and invoice them at the end of the month based on the agreed-upon rate.


    • Keep the services provided to each client organized
    • Report hours allocated specifically to each service
    • Invoice services provided based on pre-established rates
    Go to my report

    I’m hired on a contract basis

    I am hired to provide services externally for a specific period of time.


    • Keep the information of my occasional clients organized
    • Report work hours accuratelyt
    • Bill every single hour worked
    Go to my report
    time tracking —

    Organize Your Work and Determine How
    You Want to Report to Your Clients

    Clearly identify the information you need to include in your client reports for a simple and successful implementation.

    • The information as you need it

      Determine the specific information you need to report to your clients and keep all your work organized.

    • Most suitable tracking method

      Track using the desktop app or mobile app according to your convenience, use the extension to integrate with other apps, and synchronize your calendars.

    • Adopting the habit

      Enable notifications to remember to track your hours, and use AutoTrack as a backup in case you forget.

    • Month-end close

      Identify billable hours, export your timesheets into invoices, and bill your clients for the hours worked.

    time reports —

    Report Hours to Your Clients and
    Mark them as Billed

    Report your working hours according to your needs and the requirements of each client.

    • Filter the

      Filter billable hours for the desired period by project, task, user, or client,and group them according to your needs.

    • Export and share your report

      Export your report in the desired format, or generate a customized report to share online.

    • Mark billed hours

      Once reported, the hours will be marked as billed so that you can keep a better control.

    solutions —

    Recommendations to Achieve
    the Results You Expect

    Find practical solutions to implement TrackingTime according to the
    specific needs of your business.

    timesheet app
    setup checklist -

    Organize, Report, and Bill
    Your Work

    Track your hours

    • Sync your calendar
    • Install the extension or apps
    • Turn on AutoTrack

    Organize your projects

    • Create your projects
    • Assign rates to your hours
    • Customize your timesheets

    Bill your clients

    • Identify billable hours
    • Export the report into an invoice
    • Mark hours as billed

    Ensure a complete setup

    Sync your calendar
    Install the extension
    Activate AutoTrack