8 Mobile App Development and Design Trends to Watch Out for

Technology is getting better every day. Tech giants are looking to create a safer infrastructure for technology to survive and thrive. We all know how cybersecurity concerns hinder technological advancement. Today if a brand creates a reliable mobile app, they also have to worry about its security. 

Therefore, brands need to emphasize security and technology to facilitate a perfect user experience. So, what can we expect from the mobile app development trends? Well, here are eight of them you need to watch out for this year. So, let us take a look at them:

1. 5G Technology

We all know how rapidly the 5G network system is picking up the pace and is current mobile app development trends. Mobile phone brands have already introduced 5G network bands to their users. 

5G is considered to be a safer option than other networks. With zero latency, wide bandwidth, high-speed connection density, and super-fast speeds notching up to TBs per second, 5G connection is expected to have a 15% share amongst mobile phone users in the coming years. 

Today, brands are working on making their apps 5G compatible so that users can enjoy uninterrupted services at breakneck speed. 

2. AI Technology

Data is as precious as gold in today’s tech-savvy world. Brands use predictive data analysis to determine how their userbase is expected to respond to their products and services.

Also, with the help of big data, social media giants can serve their customer base by displaying the desired information to them within no time. 

Technologies like speech analytics software, natural language processing, and navigation are becoming prominent parts of today’s world. People are slowly getting comfortable with Alexa, Siri, and machine learning; therefore, mobile app owners must integrate AI and machine learning into their app systems to provide a vivid user experience. 

3. Mobile Commerce Apps

Mobile devices play a key role in connecting up with the world. Without it, we will be cut off from the world. Therefore, nobody wants to leave their mobile devices. 

That means that mobile commerce is certainly a trend to watch out for. Brands are trying to build AI-enabled progressive apps that can help provide an optimum shopping experience for all. 

Thanks to AI, companies have achieved higher growth rates, conversion rates, and better revenue generation. 

So, if you are looking to build a flagship app, consider the advancement in mobile commerce and integrate them. 

4. Internet of Things

IoT devices have made life much easier for users. They can command a smart device to turn on any electrical appliance in your home. 

With the help of wireless data transmission and embedded sensors, smart devices like Alexa can collect and process information for users’ betterment. 

IoT devices are here to stay. Companies are working on upgrading them for home security systems. Some recent glitches have hindered the security guarantee, but top brands like Google and Amazon claim that they are working on making their devices more reliable. 

5. Enhanced Security Measures for Apps

Apart from technology, apps should be developed, keeping security in mind. With the introduction of higher verification certs like an EV code signing certificate, customers can be assured of their software code security as well get assurance about authenticated publisher. 

Extended Validation code signing testifies that there has not been any third-party intervention with the code they have received. Software developers use code sign cert to sign software programs, executables, and drivers so that users can download verified software code. 

The certs contain the company’s name, address, signature, and timestamp that shows its credibility. 

So, technologies like EV code signing certificate are here to stay, and app developers must add them to their to-do list while creating apps. 

6. Wearable Devices

You must have seen fitness bands, smartwatches, and trackers. They have been around for some years now. But experts are working on making them compatible to harbor more than just your fitness stats. 

Today smartwatches can help you pick up calls, play music, and more, but there is more to what these fitness watches will be doing in the coming years. 

You may enjoy playing YouTube videos as you do on your smartphones. Therefore, if you are thinking of creating an app, try to make it smartwatch-compatible. 

7. Foldable Devices

Many brands are already working on making their foldable smartphones better. The best part about foldable smartphones is that you can keep them anywhere, be it the purpose of a small pocket. 

Brands are integrating advanced multi-window options so that users can perform a multitude of tasks on a single device. They are loaded with advanced technology and have much more space for a detailed view. 

Over 50 million foldable devices have been sold to date; that is why you need to develop your app according to the interface of foldable devices. 

8. Biometric Technology

In the age of fingerprint sensors and face recognizers, people no longer want to enter 14-digit passwords. 

Though biometric technology is not that new, it is undoubtedly a transformation in an app’s context. 

People may steal your passwords, but they are doubtful to copy a fingerprint or face. Therefore, the biometric security system is one of the most reliable verification systems for users of today’s world. 

Modern-day apps come with biometric security systems because of the convenience it offers. You do not have to remember passwords or spend time typing one; just a touch, your app gets unlocked. 

So, it would be best not to forget to integrate this technology while building the app. 

Technology changes with time, and so should we. Modern-day advancement is creating a securer environment for mobile app users to minimize cybercrime in the form of malware. 

As an app developer, you must aim to provide security and technological advancements to your users. For example, if you integrate AI and machine learning in your app, back it up with a code signing or SSL certificate

Today’s users are knowledgeable enough to understand which app suits their interests; therefore, if you want to develop a robust app, you must adhere to the eight tips mentioned above. 

8 Mobile App Trends to Watch Out for

  1. 5G Technology

    Today, brands are working on making their apps 5G compatible so that users can enjoy uninterrupted services at breakneck speed. 

  2. AI Technology

    eople are slowly getting comfortable with Alexa, Siri, and machine learning; therefore, mobile app owners must integrate AI and machine learning into their app systems to provide a vivid user experience. 

  3. Mobile Commerce Apps

    Brands are trying to build AI-enabled progressive apps that can help provide an optimum shopping experience for all. 

  4. Internet of Things

    IoT devices are here to stay. Companies are working on upgrading them for home security systems.

  5. Enhanced Security Measures for Apps

    Software developers use code sign cert to sign software programs, executables, and drivers so that users can download verified software code.

  6. Wearable Devices

    Today smartwatches can help you pick up calls, play music, and more, but there is more to what these fitness watches will be doing in the coming years. 

  7. Foldable Devices

    Over 50 million foldable devices have been sold to date; that is why you need to develop your app according to the interface of foldable devices.

  8. Biometric Technology

    People may steal your passwords, but they are doubtful to copy a fingerprint or face. Therefore, the biometric security system is one of the most reliable verification systems for users of today’s world. 

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