Experience Next-Level Time Tracking with Our Trello Integration Upgrade

Great news! Here’s the TrackingTime power-up for Trello, the ultimate time-tracking solution for Trello users and now the integration is better than ever. 

What’s a Power-up?

Firstly, in case you are wondering, let’s see what a power-up is and what you’ll be able to do with them. Put very simply, Power-Ups are apps that you can add onto any online tool to enhance its features. Trello currently offers essential power-ups with very popularly used tools such as Google Drive and Slack, for instance. In short, with Google Drive power-up, you can access your Drive files for a project directly from its Trello card or create and attach new Drive files to any card. On the other hand, with Slack you can connect your communication and collaboration apps so that no ideas or tasks fall through the cracks. 

TrackingTime Power-up for Trello

When installing our integration with Trello, you can add the time tracker by TrackingTime every time you login to your Trello dashboard. On a daily basis, with TrackingTime, you could easily track the time you spend on each Trello card, project, and board, giving you a better understanding of how you and your team are managing their time and get useful insights on where you need to make improvements. You’ll see how simple and intuitive it is to use. 

Let’s explore more in depth what you’ll be able to do once you install it. Here are the four top features of our Time Tracker by TrackingTime power-up for Trello: 

Time Blocking:

Allows you to schedule and block out specific periods of time for different tasks or projects. By setting aside dedicated time for each task, you and your team can better manage their time and ensure that they are making progress on their most important projects. Time blocking also helps eliminating distractions to maintain focus, which can be particularly useful for people who struggle with productivity or procrastination. Additionally, TrackingTime can be synced with teams’ calendars, allowing them to easily manage their schedule and avoid conflicts.

One-click Time Tracking:

Simple and intuitive interface that allows you to start and stop timers with just one click. This makes it easy to track the time you spend on each task or project, without the need for manual data entry or complex time tracking software.

Detailed Reporting:

Detailed reports that show how much time has been spent on each task or project, as well as how team members are using their time. These reports can be customized and exported in a variety of formats, making it easy to share with clients, managers, or team members. Additionally, the tool offers insights and analytics that can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize their workflow.

Attendance and Work Schedule Management:

Manage attendance and work schedules. Users can set up schedules for themselves or their team members, and track attendance and time-off requests. This makes it easy to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that work schedules are being followed effectively.

Who Can Benefit from This and How?

  1. Small business owners and freelancers: who need to keep track of their time for billing and invoicing purposes. By using the tool, they can easily track the time they spend on each project and task, and generate detailed reports to share with clients or use for accounting.
  1. Project managers and team leaders: who need to manage their team’s time and projects efficiently. With TrackingTime, they can assign tasks and collaborate with team members in real-time in Trello, making it easier to keep projects on schedule and within budget.
  1. Remote workers and distributed teams: it can be challenging to keep track of their time and collaborate effectively with team members who are not in the same location. TrackingTime can help by providing a centralized hub for time reporting, while collaborating in Trello.

How to Install the TrackingTime Trello Power-up

To successfully install the TrackingTime Trello power-up, follow these steps:

That’s it! You’ve now installed the TrackingTime power-up and can start using it to track your time in Trello.

Be Ready to Include the Trello Power-up by TrackingTime on Your Dashboard

Without the Trello power-up, you had to manage your projects and track their progress separately in the TrackingTime dashboard or any other time tracker app. Now that you have installed the TrackingTime for Trello power-up, you and your team won’t have to worry switching between apps anymore. You all can track and block time, and manage your attendance and work schedules from one place with just a few clicks.