Boosting Collaboration with Trello Integrations: Slack, Zoom and Google Drive

In today’s remote work landscape, project managers face unique challenges in coordinating teams and fostering efficient collaboration. Fortunately, Trello, a popular project management tool, offers a range of integrations that can greatly enhance remote team productivity. In this article, we will explore three powerful integrations—Slack, Zoom, and Google Drive—and delve into their key features and trends.

Let’s discover how project managers in remote teams, who are also avid Trello users, can leverage these integrations.

Streamline Collaboration and Communication with Trello Slack Integration

Efficient communication is the foundation of successful remote project management. With the Trello Slack integration, project managers can seamlessly unite these two powerful platforms, enabling real-time notifications, streamlined discussions, and enhanced collaboration. By connecting Trello boards to Slack channels, project managers can receive instant updates on board activities, such as card movements, comments, and due date changes. This integration also allows team members to discuss tasks, share files, and provide feedback directly within the Slack interface. The Trello Slack integration helps project managers keep everyone on the same page, fostering effective communication and boosting team productivity.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how project managers can integrate Slack with Trello.

  • Install the Trello Power-Up for Slack from the Slack App Directory.
  • In Trello, open the board you want to integrate with Slack.
  • Click on the “Power-Ups” button in the board’s menu.
  • Find the Slack Power-Up and click on “Enable.”
  • Follow the prompts to connect your Trello account to Slack.
  • Choose the Slack channel you want to link to the Trello board.
  • Customize the notifications and settings according to your preferences.
  • Now, Trello and Slack are connected, and you will receive real-time notifications and be able to discuss tasks within Slack.

Conduct Seamless Virtual Meetings with Zoom Integration in Trello

Virtual meetings have become a crucial aspect of remote project management, enabling teams to connect and collaborate regardless of their geographical locations. Trello’s integration with Zoom facilitates effortless meeting management within Trello boards, providing project managers with a centralized hub for scheduling, hosting, and documenting virtual meetings. With this integration, project managers can create Zoom meetings directly from Trello cards or board views, ensuring that all relevant meeting details, including links and agenda, are easily accessible. Additionally, project managers can attach meeting recordings, notes, and action items to Trello cards, allowing team members to refer back to them and stay aligned. The Zoom integration in Trello empowers project managers to conduct smooth and productive virtual meetings, enhancing collaboration and driving project success.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how project managers can integrate Zoom with Trello.

  • Install the Trello Power-Up for Zoom from the Trello Power-Up directory.
  • Open the Trello board where you want to integrate Zoom.
  • Click on the “Power-Ups” button in the board’s menu.
  • Find the Zoom Power-Up and click on “Enable.”
  • Follow the prompts to connect your Zoom account to Trello.
  • Once connected, you can create Zoom meetings directly from Trello cards or board views.
  • Add relevant meeting details such as date, time, agenda, and participants.
  • Save the Zoom meeting information, and it will be accessible within Trello for easy reference and documentation.

Enhance Document Management with Google Drive Integration in Trello

In remote project environments, effective document management is essential to ensure team members have easy access to important files and foster seamless collaboration. Trello’s integration with Google Drive simplifies document organization, version control, and collaboration. By attaching Google Drive files directly to Trello cards, project managers can provide team members with instant access to relevant documents, eliminating the need for searching through multiple platforms. This integration also allows team members to collaborate on files in real-time, providing a centralized space for discussions, feedback, and updates. Furthermore, any changes made to the Google Drive files are automatically synced with Trello, ensuring everyone has the latest version. The Google Drive integration in Trello streamlines document management, improves accessibility, and promotes efficient collaboration among remote teams.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how project managers can integrate Google Drive with Trello.

  • Install the Trello Power-Up for Google Drive from the Trello Power-Up directory.
  • Open the Trello board where you want to integrate Google Drive.
  • Click on the “Power-Ups” button in the board’s menu.
  • Find the Google Drive Power-Up and click on “Enable.”
  • Follow the prompts to connect your Google Drive account to Trello.
  • Once connected, you can attach Google Drive files to Trello cards.
  • Click on a card, then click on “Attach,” and choose “Google Drive.”
  • Select the desired file from your Google Drive and attach it to the card.
  • Team members can now access and collaborate on the attached files directly within Trello, ensuring easy document management and version control.

Boost Collaboration with Slack, Zoom, Google Drive and Trello Integrations

As remote work continues to shape the modern business landscape, project managers face the challenge of maintaining effective collaboration and communication among distributed teams. Trello, with its robust integrations, empowers project managers to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. By integrating Slack, Zoom, and Google Drive with Trello, project managers can leverage the latest trends and features to drive successful remote project outcomes. Embrace the power of Trello integrations, and unlock the full potential of your remote team collaboration today.


How does the Trello Slack integration benefit project managers?

The Trello Slack integration allows project managers to unite the two platforms, enabling real-time notifications, streamlined discussions, and enhanced collaboration.

What does the Zoom integration in Trello facilitate?

The Zoom integration in Trello facilitates effortless meeting management within Trello boards, providing project managers with a centralized hub for scheduling, hosting, and documenting virtual meetings.

How does the Google Drive integration in Trello enhance document management?

The Google Drive integration in Trello simplifies document organization, version control, and collaboration, making document management more effective in remote project environments.