About insightly
https://www.insightly.com/Insightly is a web-based project and customer relationship management (CRM) application that integrates with Google Apps through a contextual Gmail gadget and Google Docs support.Unique to Insightly is the concept of "linking": any item in the system can be associated with another item, such as projects, tasks, contacts, organizations, events, emails, and opportunities. The link describes the role. For example, contacts can be associated with other contacts as "colleague," "referred/referred by," etc., or as a custom relationship. Tasks cannot be linked to tasks, and Insightly lacks task dependencies or Gantt charts. A task can be linked to multiple projects through the "Link" feature, but there is no drag-and-drop functionality. Tasks can only be assigned to an Insightly user and cannot have a start or due time (only a date). However, Insightly does support events where time can be set.