Attendance & Timecards v2

The Attendance add-on is finally here! Now in TrackingTime you can track and manage time-off requests and Holidays.

By enabling the Attendance add-on your team will be able to request time-off, you will be able to see if they are on vacation, stop sending reminders on submitting their timesheets in a holiday, customize your time off types, and import holidays.
Psst! Soon we will release integrations with Bamboo hr and Factorial hr 🚀

Timecards v2
The Timecards add-on got a complete revamp, now you can navigate all your company timecards easily and see who didn’t submit them yet. Also, the actual timecards were redesigned to be easier to complete and are fully integrated with the new Attendance add-on. A new full set of settings allows you to have more control and automate the process.

Check it out!